Saturday, July 9, 2011

Garden Report v2.7 - May Rains

So it's been far too long since I actually wrote a blog post for the garden.  May was pretty discouraging, and not much happened, so it was hard to get motivated to write something. Once I got out of the habit, things were blown for a while. Not a great excuse, but it's the truth.

The May garden was very depressing. The seed potatoes I sent away for were cut, cured and planted. They promptly rotted in the ground due to the massive amounts of rain we had. I had planted 12 this year, and whereas last year at least a few survived, this year ever time I dug down to check, they were completely rotted. The garden itself isn't raised at all, and was pretty swampy through the entire month. About the only thing that was successful in May was the garlic, which went happily along as if it weren't mired in the muck.

Day lily
Fortunately, at the end of May, my father-in-law Ron came up and helped us with some non-vegetable landscaping around the front and side of the house where the new driveway created some new beds. Pictures and descriptions of what we put in after the fold.